Top 3 Misleading Facts for COVID-19 Infection


Top 3 misleading facts - Misinformation is the misleading information generally caused when people don't have all the facts. The present world faces a major problem with the outbreak of pandemic coronavirus(COVID-19). Covid-19 is a new virus. This disease was unknown before the outbreak began in China(Wuhan), in December 2019. The novelty of the situation leads to the exchange of a lot of misinformation over social media. Some misinformation is widely going around about the spread of the COVID-19. Some people are still confused about the spread of the disease.

Top 3 Misleading Facts for COVID-19 Infection

Misinformation No. 1. Eating Ice Cream

Misleading information that if you eat ice cream it increases your chances of infection with coronavirus. This is misinformation provided to you by rumor. According to the 'WHO' and   'CDC', there is no information provided about this, that eating ice cream increases your chance of infection of COVID-19.

covid-19 misinformation ice cream eating

Misinformation No. 2. Eating Chicken

There is one more misinformation going around widely in the public, that if you eat chicken, you can be infected by coronavirus disease. This is also fake news published by rumor. 

covid-19 misinformation chicken eating

Misinformation No. 3. Spread Through Air

One rumor that is creating panic is that coronavirus is transmitted through the air. The Coronavirus is bigger in size and can not be carried over in air for more than one meter of distance. That is why a safe distance of at least one meter is advised for social contact or public places. Coronavirus can be transmitted through contact with respiratory droplets present in 1 meter of the air of the infected person and physical contact like a handshake with the patient of coronavirus. 

covid-19 misinformation spread by air

Top 3 COVID-19 Safety Protocols To Stay Safe From Infection

  1. Avoid physical contact and maintain a safe distance protocol of one meter always. 
  2. Wear a face mask in public places all the time. 
  3. Keep washing hands and sanitizing when you come in contact with surfaces and places that have people around you.
    You may also like to read WHO Safety precautions for Covid-19.

How to report misinformation online - Read at WHO Official Website

As the world responds to the  COVID-19 pandemic, we face the challenge of an overabundance of information related to the virus. Some of this information may be false and potentially harmful.

Inaccurate information spreads widely and at speed, making it more difficult for the public to identify verified facts and advice from trusted sources, such as their local health authority or WHO.

However, everyone can help to stop the spread. If you see content online that you believe to be false or misleading, you can report it to the hosting social media platform.

covid-19 misinformation stop

Stay Safe! Stay Aware!

Manbeena Brar
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Manbeena Brar

The author Manbeena Brar has been Food and Fitness Writer since 2016 for Mind2Muscles Blog. She has a unique writing style, focusing on researching the facts and publishing verified, helpful and meaningful information. She consults the specialists, trainers, and fitness experts before bringing you the facts.

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Top 3 Misleading Facts for COVID-19 Infection

by Manbeena Brar Time to read: 4 min

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