Health benefits of Vitamin D For Bone Health


Health benefits of Vitamin D


Vitamin D also known as "sunshine" vitamin. It is produced as the body is exposed to sunshine. Vitamin D is important for bone health, neuromuscular functioning, and immune health. It plays an important role in the overall health and improves performance in the gym. Vitamin D is often under-consumed. It is mostly overlooked nutrient. Most people focus on taking multivitamins. But usually fail to even think about the vital Vitamin D. Health benefits of Vitamin D are numerous and significant for Bone health.

Vitamin D or “sunshine vitamin” actually works more like a hormone. It is not limited to a particular organ or cell. In fact every single cell in the body has a receptor for it. The body makes it from cholesterol when it is exposed to sunlight. People who get enough sun exposure are less prone to vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D helps in maintaining optimal muscle and bone health.

The deficiency symptoms are very subtle. Most people don’t realize that they are vitamin D deficient. It has a significant negative effect on the quality of life.

Vitamin D helps in improving muscle recovery after a tough workout. If you train hard and are prone to sprains and tears then supplemental vitamin D will help in maximizing your recovery and lower the chance of injury. It can definitely lower the risk of injury but not eliminate it completely. But worth mentioning here that once the deficiency of vitamin D is erased the extra Vitamin D will not continue to give you additional performance benefits above the normal range.


Negative effects of vitamin D deficiency

Depression or even SAD [Seasonal Affective Disorder] is one of the effects of D deficiency. In winters people experience overall fatigue, insomnia, heaviness accompanied by weight gain, sluggish and even mild depression. Vitamin D helps in making an all good environment by producing the feel-good hormones and helps in supporting a healthy and happy mood.

Reference for Health benefits of Vitamin D:

Coronavirus update

Consider taking 10 micrograms of vitamin D a day to keep your bones and muscles healthy.

This is because you may not be getting enough vitamin D from sunlight if you're indoors most of the day.

There have been some news reports about vitamin D reducing the risk of coronavirus. However, there is currently not enough evidence to support this.

Do not buy more vitamin D than you need.

Stay Healthy. Stay Safe.

Check WHO COVID-19 guidelines for staying safe and healthy.

Manbeena Brar
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Manbeena Brar

The author Manbeena Brar has been Food and Fitness Writer since 2016 for Mind2Muscles Blog. She has a unique writing style, focusing on researching the facts and publishing verified, helpful and meaningful information. She consults the specialists, trainers, and fitness experts before bringing you the facts.

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Health benefits of Vitamin D For Bone Health

by Manbeena Brar Time to read: 2 min

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