Green Smoothie Is The Best


Green Smoothie is the best source of nutrients. It's not that fruits are bad, but fruits contain more calories and sugar than vegetables. One cup of fruit has 60 calories whereas vegetables have 25 calories. Doctors recommend that adult women should take 2 to 2 and 1/2 cup of vegetables and recommends 2 and 1/2 to 3 cup for men. In smoothies, spinach or kale are mostly used. These two vegetables contain a similar amount of protein, fiber, fat, and calories.  Also, many researchers suggest that green leafy vegetables may help in reducing the risk of cancer, inflammatory diseases, osteoporosis, 2 type diabetes, and heart disease.


In this blog I am bringing you the 5 best green smoothies recipes that are tasty and nutritious.

1. Green Smoothie With Spinach, Dates, and Almond Butter

Ingredients and calories:

1 Banana, frozen and sliced105
2 to 4 ounces of spinach6
Almond milk or (milk of choice)40
Almond butter or (nut butter of choice)98 (1 tbsp)
1 date20
Sea salt (Pinch)0
Chia or hemp seeds (optional)53 (1 tbsp)

Place all the ingredients in one jar and blend with the blender, blend until smooth. Add some water or almond milk to dilute the smoothie according to your preferred consistency. Your smoothies are ready now.

This smoothie's components are already in your kitchen and it gives you healthy fats and protein. This smoothie is delicious, nutritious and also satisfying.

2. Keto Low Carb Green Smoothie

Ingredients and calories:


Keto collagen 1/2 Scoop 40
Keto MCT oil powder 1/2 Scoop 40
Spinach 1 cup 6
Avocado 1/2 medium155
Unsweetened coconut milk 3/4 cup or (any milk of choice) 45
3 tbsp of sugar(use sugar-free)18
Ice cubes 1/4 cup 0
Lemon juice 2 tbsp7
avocado green


  • Hemp seeds 1 tbsp
  • Coconut flakes 1 tbsp
  • Chia seeds 1/2 tbsp
  • Berries (optional)

Take all the ingredients into a blender, with the help of the blender mix the ingredients until smooth. Toping with the hemp seed, chia seeds, coconut flakes, or add berries as per your requirement.


This is the best keto low carb green smoothie and it tastes delicious. It is easy, quick, healthy, sugar-free and diabetic-friendly, too.

3. Kale Ginger Banana Smoothie

Ingredients and calories:


1 ripe banana, frozen and peeled 105
Frozen blueberries 1/2 cup42
Ginger, peeled and finely grated 2 tbsp2
Kale leaves loosely packed 2 cups 15.6
Unsweetened almond milk 1 cup 40
Chia seeds 1 tbsp (optional)53
Ground cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon6
Raw honey 2 tsp to 1 tbsp64
kale ginger smoothie

Add all ingredients to a jar and blend until smooth. If necessary, add more milk to help blend easily.

In this recipe, ginger is used and it is a powerful antioxidant. It also helps with inflammation, nausea, diabetes, colon cancer, and heart disease. It is easy to add this helpful ingredient to your diet.

4. Spinach Mango Banana Green Smoothie

Ingredients and calories:


1 Banana sliced and frozen105
1 Mango peeled and frozen  99
Baby spinach 1 packed cup6
Milk 1 cup103
Ice 1 cup0
spinach mango smoothie

Put all ingredients into a jar and blend for 2 minutes or until smooth. 

This smoothie is best for breakfast. It helps you to boost energy.

5. Chocolate Avocado Green Smoothie

Ingredients and calories:


Dark Chocolate 100gm 546
1/4 Avocado (peeled, chopped) 80
1 Banana    105
Flax meal 1tbsp 37
Kale 1/4 to 1/2 cup4
Soy or almond milk 1 cup 40
ice 4-5 cubes0
chocolate avocado smoothie

Make a puree of all ingredients in a powerful blender, until smooth.

This smoothie gives you a boost of protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Enjoy these delicious green smoothies and maintain good health. You can also read Top 5 Weight Loss Smoothies. Reference for the full recipe of Green Smoothie With Spinach, Dates, and Almond Butter


Stay Healthy! Stay Fit!

Manbeena Brar
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Manbeena Brar

The author Manbeena Brar has been Food and Fitness Writer since 2016 for Mind2Muscles Blog. She has a unique writing style, focusing on researching the facts and publishing verified, helpful and meaningful information. She consults the specialists, trainers, and fitness experts before bringing you the facts.

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Green Smoothie Is The Best

by Manbeena Brar Time to read: 5 min

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