Coronavirus COVID-19 FAQs answered by WHO
Coronavirus COVID19 FAQs
Ask WHO - World Health Organization has answered some common FAQs about the coronavirus COVID19 spread that everyone should know about.
Why you should wash your hands frequently?
You should regularly wash your hands with soap and water. Frequently clean your hands with an alcohol based rub which is commonly called hand sanitizer. Because it kills germs and viruses that may be on your hands.
Why you should avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth?
It is now a known fact that the virus survives on the surface for a longer time duration. Your hands get the virus when you touch the infected surface with your fingers or hands. Touching your eyes, nose, and mouth will put you at risk of getting the virus in your body.

Why you should maintain social distancing?
You should maintain a safe distance of a minimum of 1 meter of distance i.e. 3-feet between yourself and any person who is sneezing or coughing around you. Because you are at the risk of breathing in the droplets of sneeze or cough that may contain the virus if the person is infected. It is risky for you to be too close to people. Maintain a safe distance.
Why you should practice respiratory hygiene?
The meaning of respiratory hygiene is to cover your face, nose with a tissue or a bent elbow while you sneeze or cough. Don’t keep the used tissue, throw it in the covered dustbin and dispose of properly. The cough or sneeze droplets are the carrier of the virus and they spread the virus. You should practice respiratory hygiene to protect others around you from such risky viruses as flu, cold and COVID19.
When you should seek medical care?
You are advised to stay at home if you are feeling unwell. You can make a daily routine to monitor your temperature. If you get a fever and develop symptoms like cold, cough, dry soar throat then you are advised to seek medical care and call for help in advance. Your local health helpline has the most up-to-date information. They can make proper arrangements and can direct you to go to the right medical facility according to your area.
Follow the guidelines and advice of your healthcare provider.

How should I greet another person to avoid catching the new coronavirus?
To prevent COVID19 it is safest to avoid physical contact. You can greet each other by making a wave, a bow, a nod, joined hands like the famous Indian way of greetings Namaste.

Should I avoid shaking hands because of the new coronavirus?
Yes indeed. Respiratory viruses can be passed on by shaking hands, and touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. You should avoid touching other people to keep yourself safe from catching the infection.

Is wearing rubber gloves while out in public effective in preventing the new coronavirus COVID19 infection?
No, it is not safe to wear rubber gloves. Regularly washing bare hands with soap and water offers more protection against catching COVID19 infection than wearing rubber gloves.
As the coronavirus survives on the surface you can still pick up the COVID19 contamination on rubber gloves.
If you touch your face with infected gloves the contamination goes from your gloves to your face and can still infect you.

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